Embracing ephemerality in the digital humanities

One thing that not many digital humanists write about directly, but has become increasingly clear to practitioners in the field, is how ephemeral so much of our thought and work is, especially in comparison to traditional humanities products likes articles and books. What if, while still trying to make our projects more sustainable, we were […]

Storified: Panel on Facing the Founders

This past week, I attended the 2015 United States Intellectual History conference in Washington, DC, and participated in a panel sponsored by the wonderful folks at The Junto.  Read more for the whole megilla, as storified by Michael Hattem.

Designing a Digital Humanities course

This is the first time I’ve designed a DH course (though far from the first course I’ve designed, of course).   It wasn’t an easy process, and the product is necessarily idiosyncratic, but, writing the afternoon before the class’s first meeting, I’m pretty excited. I started by thinking about what I wanted students to come away […]