Broward College adjunct says: $16k a year does not a “valued colleague” make

As Evan Rowe reports, he and his fellow adjuncts are working to unionize at Broward College (it’s the community college of Broward County, FL, which includes Fort Lauderdale).  Rowe is one of the BC army of adjuncts making $16k a year, usually teaching only one class fewer than tenure-track professors who make several times as […]

UIC Faculty strike: more support for full-time contingent faculty

Last week’s two-day strike was the first in the history of University of Illinois-Chicago.  We all hope it’s the last: administration because it doesn’t like to be embarrassed and get negative publicity for its own policies (Ph.D’s trying to live on $30,000 in Chicago?), and faculty because it shouldn’t have to come to this.  What […]