These horses don’t feed themselves, you know

Running a government, especially during a time of revolution, is a pretty complicated set of tasks. Among the obvious are motivating people, moving them in the same direction, keeping tabs on the opponent, sometimes organizing and supplying a military, and so on. Plus, feeding traitors’ livestock. Wait, really?

A Serendipitous Inspiration of Undergraduate Research

[Note: this is also posted on the BGSU History blog] When I replied “No” to Kinzey’s question, and to Colin’s follow-up, I was pretty sure of my answer. I was wrong. The resulting historical adventure began with a lively class discussion, continued through an independent study, and eventually resulted in an article that undergraduates Kinzey […]

For your viewing pleasure: the gang and me on Hamilton

It’s finally up, for your full viewing pleasure: the session at the recent Society for Historians of the Early American Republic (SHEAR) on Hamilton, starring R.B. Bernstein, Benjamin Carp, Nancy Isenberg, Heather Nathans, and yours truly, as taped by C-SPAN-3 (perhaps C-SPAN’s equivalent of ESPN The Ocho?). You should watch the whole thing, but for the […]