Privatization: Not “cutting costs,” merely externalizing them

One of the continuing myths of the privatization craze in higher education is that outsourcing functions results in lower costs.  Here’s BGSU my august university’s president on the recent deal to privatize flight instruction, as reported in the Sentinel-Tribune: President Mary Ellen Mazey told the trustees that this is the kind of collaboration with outside […]

One way to make privatization pay: cheat

In my previous post, I noted that my august university has decided to boondoggle outsource privatize another teaching function, in this case, aviation instruction, through the hiring of North Star Aviation and, presumably, moving university employees to North Star. Part of how outsourcing can be economically feasible is through paying employees less.  Of course, it […]

Q: When is faculty not faculty? A. When universities privatize teaching

BGSU (my august employer) is once again privatizing teaching.  This time, it’s flight instruction for the College of Technology’s aviation program.  In this case, a company call North Star will be building and maintaining facilities and doing flight instruction; BGSU faculty will continue the classroom functions, credentialing, etc.  There are the usual quotes from bigwigs […]

UIC Faculty strike: more support for full-time contingent faculty

Last week’s two-day strike was the first in the history of University of Illinois-Chicago.  We all hope it’s the last: administration because it doesn’t like to be embarrassed and get negative publicity for its own policies (Ph.D’s trying to live on $30,000 in Chicago?), and faculty because it shouldn’t have to come to this.  What […]

Fighting Over the Founders Now in Production

Definitely coming to a bookstore near you: Fighting Over the Founders.  Looks like it will come out with NYU Press  in December or January.  Until then, read nothing else, and once you get it, no breaks until you’re done!