Official title for my book: Fighting over the Founders

Finally official: my book, which will be coming out with NYU Press at the end of the year, will be titled Fighting over the Founders: How We Remember the American Revolution.  You read it here first!  (The title, that is, not the book.  Blog is free; book will cost you).

Five years on, tea party part of the visual landscape

The picture on the left accompanied an article in today’s New York Times about young Republicans at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.  The article makes a point of profiling a young Republican with a green-and-orange mohawk.  But to me, what’s more interesting is that it does not comment at all on the man on the right, […]

Fighting Over the Founders Now in Production

Definitely coming to a bookstore near you: Fighting Over the Founders.  Looks like it will come out with NYU Press  in December or January.  Until then, read nothing else, and once you get it, no breaks until you’re done!