Declaration of Architectural Independence

First, as I continue in this vein from previous posts, let me say that I am excited by the prospect of a Museum of the American Revolution.  But the current design?  That’s another story.  And I’m not alone.

Philly documentary-writer and Hidden City Daily co-editor Nathaniel Popkin has a smart piece on WHYY’s newsworks further excoriating the proposed plan for the Museum of the American Revolution.

But you don’t have to take his word for it; after all,  Popkin’s not an architecture critic.

Let’s try again.  Philadelphia Inquirer architecture critic Inga Saffron didn’t like it, either, slamming the original design (from which the new design varies little, except for the amputation of its faux cupola):

Its massiveness and modern materials – including a panelized veneer of thin bricks – would make it more cartoon than homage.

But what does Saffron know?  Oh, well, she did win a Pulitzer Prize this week.

Popkin has authored a Declaration of Architectural Independence, pictured above.  He’s also started a petition against the design, which you can sign at  Join the revolt!

Whatcha thinkin'?

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